While the investigation to try to find the perpetrators of the armed robbery of Orange in Callian continues, the store will remain closed “at least until the beginning of next week “, on Monday January 6, announced the management of the telecommunications operator which initially planned a reopening on January 2. Indeed, the employees, threatened with a bladed weapon, were shocked by this attack And if these. “are subject to support” psychological internally since the events unfolded, the reopening of the agency is conditional on the recovery of its employees.
As for the criminals, if they were able to leave with smartphones and computers, in particular, this loot will probably be of little use to them. “For several years, we have already strengthened our security measures by keeping a minimum stock in store and all our terminals can be blocked remotely, which prevents their use”further details the management of Orange which also indicates having filed a complaint.
As a reminder, the Orange store in the Agora center in Callian, in the canton of Fayence, was the subject of a robbery this Saturday, December 28, around 1 p.m.
Since then, rumors have been rife in the village and many people have spoken of a potential failed attempt to rob the Action store adjacent to the Orange store. A few moments before carrying out their robbery, the criminals were routed by employees of the hard-discount brand. This is not the case, in reality. However, this story undoubtedly found its origin in a semblance of truth: an attempted burglary of the Action store had indeed taken place the previous week, we learned. Var-morning from a police source.
“Last aftereffects”
This attack on Callian's Orange store occurs in a particularly tense context for the company. Indeed, a few days ago, on December 20, the CFE-CGC Orange union sent a letter to Jean François Fallacher CEO of Orange France, “to demand concrete safety measures and systematic recognition of incidents as work accidents in a context of growing insecurity“.
The organization specifies that over the last two years, 25 robberies of Orange stores have been recorded, not including that of Callian of course. “The increase in violent robberies in Orange stores constitutes a direct threat to the safety and well-being of employees. These acts, which are constantly increasing, leave lasting consequences both physically and psychologically. Our colleagues, may they are victims or witnesses of these attacks, express a growing fear which makes their professional daily life more and more trying“said the union.