A difficult awakening? The transition to the new year is a special moment that often rhymes with “party” and “excess”. Some people will find themselves, as the expression goes, “hangover”. It is also known as veisalgia, its more scientific term. The symptoms of the famous “hangover” are different depending on the person.
After a particularly drunken evening, these people generally have headacheof the digestive disorders such as nausea or vomiting. They also have the impression of having dry mouthdehydrated, as if they had a piece of wood. They are also very sensitive to noise and lighta grosse fatigue is present.
This unpleasant feeling appears several hours (between six and eight) after drinking alcohol. But then, how can you escape the “hangover”? “Overcoming evil with evil” by turning to alcohol again is not the best option. The miracle solution doesn’t really exist. Taking a shower before going to sleep can still do you good, especially if you spent your evening on the dance floor.
Paracetamol should be avoided, it is counterproductive in the fight against hangovers. Patience remains the key word in this case. Prioritizing rest is a good thing to do. Eating sugary foods and hydrating with water can also help.
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