Saudi, psychiatrist, in Germany since 2006, active in assisting refugees, but as an atheist and with an anti-Islam ideology, so much so that he is a supporter of the German far-right party AfD. Details emerge about the identity of Taleb Jawad Hussein Al Abdulmohsenthe Magdeburg Christmas market attacker, whose photo of a Saudi passport that expired in 2012 is circulating.
“I am the most aggressive critic of Islam,” Abdulmohsen said in an interview with Faz in 2019. He also appears very active on social media: he founded and managed the site whose aim – he himself explained to the BBC again in 2019 – is to help refugees obtain asylum, in particular former Muslims who fear persecution in their country. The writing in Arabic and English now appears on the home page: “My advice: do not ask for asylum in Germany”.
In other interviews he accused Germany of welcoming Islamists and refusing asylum to anti-Islamic refugees. Some observers suggest that in Magdeburg he acted to shift the blame – and therefore raise the indignation of Germans close to the elections – on Muslims.
The 50-year-old man is also wanted in Saudi Arabia on various charges including terrorism and trafficking of underage girls, but Germany has refused his extradition.