the essential
The former Yellow Vest, originally from Vaucluse, had been one of the figures of the movement, before attempting a political career and falling into conspiracy, with a conviction last year.
Christophe Chalençon died on Wednesday December 11, at the age of 58. The information was given by the France Bleu branch in Vaucluse, the department where he was from, before being confirmed by La Provence. He had been battling cancer for several months.
Also read:
“We are going to shoot them down”: former Yellow Vest Christophe Chalençon makes death threats, notably towards Dr Jérôme Marty
Former emblematic figure of the Yellow Vests, the blacksmith from Vaucluse had quickly imposed his stature on the movement at the national level, to the point of having been one of the representatives of the movement received at Matignon to try to calm the discontent of the French. Subsequently, he also tried his hand at politics, running at the head of a list called “Citizen Evolution” for the 2019 European elections.
Former municipal elected official, Christophe Chalençon had gradually shifted towards radicalism in his speeches, multiplying insults and threats, to the point of being sentenced in 2023 to eight months in prison by the Carpentras court.