On Telegram, the Russian governor of the region, Andrei Klychkov, confirmed on Saturday that fuel had caught fire on “an infrastructure” after a “massive drone attack”.
According to him, 11 enemy drones were shot down by the anti-aircraft defense and, at 5:00 a.m. local time (2:00 a.m. GMT) the fire had been brought under control, but not yet extinguished.
The attack did not cause any casualties, he added.
In response to Russian bombings which destroy its infrastructure and cause numerous civilian victims, kyiv regularly carries out strikes on Russian military and energy sites, sometimes very far from its border.
Civilians killed in Russian attacks in southern Ukraine
At least two civilians have been killed in Russian attacks in southern Ukraine. Six people were also injured, the governor of the Kherson region reported on Telegram on Saturday.
Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian invasion for more than two and a half years. In the Kherson region, the Dnieper River acts as a natural dividing line between Russian and Ukrainian positions.