Published on 11/12/2024 at 2:41 p.m.
(Reuters) – The Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (Acea) has appointed Mercedes CEO Ola Källenius as president, the lobbying group said on Wednesday.
Acea also approved the return of Stellantis effective January 1, after the group left the organization at the start of 2023.
“Welcoming Stellantis back to Acea sends a signal that the industry is stronger when it acts with one voice,” said Luca de Meo, Renault chief executive and outgoing Acea president, in a press release.
Acea will now focus on improving regulatory conditions, decarbonization and promoting free and fair international trade, Ola Källenius explained in the press release.
“I am convinced that the European Union automotive industry has what it takes to succeed in global competition,” he added.
(Reporting by Alessandro Parodi, French version by Elena Smirnova, edited by Kate Entringer)
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