An important alert has just been triggered concerning certain baby dishes from the Blédina brandspecifically preparations containing rice. A problem of food safety was identified, linked to the high presence ofaflatoxinestoxins potentially dangerous to health, resulting from contamination by mold. This recall concerns a specific batch which was distributed in several supermarket chains across France.
A recall alert has been issued concerning prepared baby meals from the Blédina brand. This specific reminder targets the Blédiner Broccoli peas and sweet curry rice which could contain high levels ofaflatoxinesa toxin potentially dangerous to health.
Reference of the product concerned
The products affected by this recall are the 200g trays of Blédiner Broccolis, peas and sweet curry rice, bearing the reference FR 29.269.020 CE with lot number LG 2F 178. They were sold between July 29 and December 2, 2024 and their minimum durability date is June 26, 2025. The associated barcode is 3041091992079.
Reason for recall
This recall was initiated due to the detection of elevated levels of aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are toxins produced by certain molds that can contaminate foods, especially grains such as rice. They are considered to be genotoxic et carcinogensmeaning they can cause genetic damage and increase the risk of cancer if consumed at high levels.
What should you do if you have the recalled product?
It is urgent not to consume this product. Consumers are encouraged to return affected products to the point of purchase for a full refund. The refund process will be available until January 28, 2025. A direct line has been set up to answer consumers' questions at 0800 415 415.
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Protect yourself and your children
The safety of your children is paramount. If you purchased this product, be sure to follow the recall recommendations and monitor your child for any unusual reactions if your child consumed the product before the recall. If in doubt, consult a healthcare professional immediately.
Importance of vigilance following the recall of Blédina dishes
Faced with the recent announcement of the withdrawal of certain baby dishes from the Blédina brand, it is essential for consumers to remain vigilant. This recall specifically concerns the Blédiner Broccoli peas and mild curry ricedue to the presence ofaflatoxinessubstances potentially dangerous to health. These toxins, originating from molds, can prove to be genotoxic and carcinogenic, particularly when present in high quantities in foods.
The incident highlights the importance of rigorous monitoring of food products intended for vulnerable populations, particularly young children. Parents and guardians should pay close attention to the batch and best before date (MBD) information on food product packaging. For this specific reminder, this is the numbered lot LG 2F 178 with a MDD until June 26, 2025sold between July 29 and December 2, 2024.
Persons in possession of this product are advised not to consume it and return it to the point of purchase for a refund. It is also recommended to contact the brand's customer service in case of questions or to obtain additional information. This type of alert reminds us of the importance of being attentive to product recalls, to guarantee not only the safety but also the health of our children.
In conclusion, this recall reminds consumers of the importance of caution and responsibility in the choice and consumption of food products, especially when they are intended for infants and young children.
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