Decree No. 2024-1093 of December 3, 2024, modifying various provisions relating to volunteer firefighters (NOR: INTE2422620D):
Here is the “official” notice:
Public concerned: departmental and territorial fire and rescue services, volunteer firefighters from the fire and rescue services.
Subject: adjustment of the conditions of first engagement of former SPV, conditions of re-engagement and training obligations of officers, disciplinary procedure applicable to volunteer firefighters, end of activity ages and honoraria, creation of the aspiring nurse , for nursing and aspiring veterinary students based on the models of volunteer firefighter doctors and pharmacists, creation of volunteer firefighter psychotherapists, commitment of volunteer firefighter professional firefighters, military personnel and operational personnel of aircraft rescue and firefighting services.
Entry into force: the text comes into force the day after its publication with the exception of 1° of article 2 coming into force on January 1, 2025. Disciplinary procedures relating to volunteer firefighters initiated before the date of entry in force of this decree remain governed by the provisions previously applicable.
Notice: the decree adjusts the conditions of first engagement of former volunteer firefighters, including those who have carried out their firefighting activity in another State, according to the previous skills recognized by the training exemption commission. It specifies the conditions for five-year re-engagement and the obligation to establish an order upon this re-engagement. It also removes the training obligations for captains and lieutenant-colonels of volunteer firefighters. The decree modifies the disciplinary procedure applicable to volunteer firefighters by specifying a permanent presidency of the departmental disciplinary council of volunteer firefighters, by clarifying the different phases of the procedure. A disciplinary council for state volunteer firefighters is also established. The end of service ages for volunteer firefighters have been adjusted as well as the conditions for honorary appointment. A rank of aspiring nurse and aspiring veterinarian is provided for students following training in these professions and psychotherapists can also be recruited as volunteer firefighters. The recruitment and advancement in rank of volunteer firefighters who are also professional firefighters, military or operational personnel of aircraft rescue and firefighting services may be carried out based on the professional skills recognized by the commission. provision of training. Finally, the decree adjusts the social protection measures for volunteer firefighters in the event of an accident occurring or an illness contracted on duty, in particular to draw the consequence of the establishment of departmental medical councils.