Asylum and migration: let’s not trivialize the war in Ukraine

Published on December 4, 2024 at 08:01. / Modified on December 4, 2024 at 08:03.

3 mins. reading

In Ukraine, Russian strikes against civilians several hundred kilometers from the front are increasing. In Lviv, in the west of the country, recent bombings caused the death of seven people, including three children. The Ukrainian hinterland is under daily drone and missile attacks from Russian forces. The situation has become even more unstable since the election of Trump and his rapprochement with Putin. The latter threatens to use medium-range strategic missiles of several thousand kilometers.

This is the moment that the PLR ​​and part of the Center chose to vote on the UDC motion from St. Gallen State Councilor Esther Friedli preventing the granting of S status to Ukrainian nationals from several regions of the country. This text, previously accepted by the Council of States, requires limiting the granting of the status of persons in need of protection to people whose last place of residence was in regions occupied by Russia or in which fighting is underway. Taking into account the current situation shows that no region of Ukraine is safe. This decision will delight Vladimir Putin. This vote could cause heavy bureaucracy in the individual examination of the situation of applicants with a view to provisional admission (F permit). It weakens Switzerland’s reputation and its humanitarian tradition in providing assistance to civilian victims of armed conflicts. While Putin’s war of aggression violates the ban on the use of force, this decision by parliament weakens Switzerland’s commitment to promoting peace and the solidarity that the European Union can expect from it.

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