the association intensifies humanitarian convoys for victims of the war

the association intensifies humanitarian convoys for victims of the war
the association intensifies humanitarian convoys for victims of the war

On February 24, 2022, the Russia launched a military invasion ofUkraine. Nearly three years later, the war has become lasting, as have the actions of the association Corsican-Ukraine solidaritycreated from the first hours of the conflict by Dr. Nataliya Khobta-Santoni.

Alongside her husband, Ange, and several volunteers, the president of the structure, also an oncologist at the Miséricorde hospital in , has been mobilizing tirelessly ever since to support her compatriots on the ground.

Missions which have even intensified in recent months, despite the danger present during each trip and the fatigue which accumulates.

“I no longer count the trips made to Ukraine, confirms Dr Khobta-Santoni. We go there alternately with my husband, because we have our two children aged 9 and 6 here who need to be looked after and for whom these absences are increasingly difficult, even if we protect them from the information. Especially since for some time now, we have actually increased the frequency of convoys, now every month”.

Nearly 400 kg of equipment per trip

During each trip, aboard their personal vehicle, Nataliya or Ange transport nearly 400 kg of donations, mainly medical equipment, but not only.



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