Switzerland will no longer grant S status to all Ukrainians

Switzerland will no longer grant S status to all Ukrainians
Switzerland will no longer grant S status to all Ukrainians

War in Ukraine

Switzerland will no longer grant S status to all Ukrainians

According to a text voted on Monday, the Confederation will only grant protection to Ukrainians coming from regions occupied by Russia or affected by the fighting.

Published: 02.12.2024, 7:10 p.m.

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S status should only be granted to people who come from Ukrainian regions occupied by Russia or affected by the fighting. Parliament adopted a motion to this effect tabled by Esther Friedli (UDC/SG) on Monday by 96 votes to 87.

Switzerland will have to tighten the rules for S status. The National accepted on Monday by 120 votes to 60 a motion asking the Federal Council to be more severe towards those who abuse this protective status.

The text tabled by Senator Benedikt Würth (Center/SG) targets in particular people who renounce their S status, benefit from return assistance and return to Switzerland after a few weeks and obtain protection status again. For the St. Gallois, such back and forths are not tolerable.

“It would do justice”

The motion proposes to withdraw the S status, or not to renew it, if a person concerned leaves Switzerland for example for more than 15 days, if they have benefited from return assistance or if they obtained their status improperly. . Furthermore, protection status should only be granted once in the Dublin area.

This would do justice to those who need protection, declared Piero Marchesi (UDC/TI) for the committee. The reactions of cantons and municipalities leave no doubt about the need to fight against abuse, added Nicolo Paganini (PEV/SG). The left and the Federal Council have repeated that the current legislation already meets the requirements of the motion, without success.


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