Hell is paved with good intentions.
The euro is hell for France and many other countries.
If we still had the franc, we would never have been able to make the budgetary nonsense that our Mozarts of finance have been conscientiously carrying out for 25 years.
The euro gives us a “protection” which allows us to do anything in terms of economic management of our country.
Our politicians being demagogues, without courage and without vision, they are generous with other people's money, and increase taxes to somehow catch up with their level of spending.
Without the euro the monetary adjustment would have been immediate, the market sanction very rapid and finally the debt that we know today would never have existed.
The euro is our drama in Paris, it is the drama of France and it will be the downfall of the European Union.
Note that the Strategies file for the month of November on the inevitable attack on the markets is online in your reader areas here.
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Charles SANNAT
“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)
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