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What will the weather be like in Dinan and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 27, 2024?

What will the weather be like in Dinan and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 27, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Dinan and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 27, 2024?

This Wednesday, November 27, Dinan will rise under an overcast sky, but the temperature will be quite warm. The wind will blow at 45 km/h in the early morning, and will decrease towards the end of the morning until it reaches approximately 35 km/h. In bursts, it will be able to exceed 95 km/h. It will blow from the South-West, then settle in the West around 11 a.m. The mercury will remain constant at 14°C. Drizzling is forecast late in the morning.

In the afternoon it will be cloudy. The wind force will continue to decrease between noon and 5 p.m. to around 15 km/h, while the thermometer will remain consistent at 13°C. The wind could exceed 100 km/h in gusts. The wind will turn to the North-West towards the beginning of the afternoon.

The wind strength will vary around 15 km/h during the evening, and its direction will be inconsistent. The thermometer will remain stable at 11°C. The clouds will persist.

Tonight it will still be overcast. The mercury will remain stable at 9°C. The wind will still oscillate between 10 and 15 km/h, and it will be coming from the North-East.

On Thursday, the air temperature will be usual for the season: on average, it will be 9 °C. The sky will be mostly overcast, with drizzle throughout the day.

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