VIDEO – “The least bad solution is for the RN not to be the majority alone”, believes Dominique Strauss-Kahn on LCI

VIDEO – “The least bad solution is for the RN not to be the majority alone”, believes Dominique Strauss-Kahn on LCI
VIDEO – “The least bad solution is for the RN not to be the majority alone”, believes Dominique Strauss-Kahn on LCI

Guest on LCI this Tuesday, Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned against an absolute majority for the National Rally after the second round of the legislative elections on July 7.

“This would be a major change in the way our society functions,” he warns, before highlighting an economic risk.

For him, there is no equal sign between La France insoumise and the National Rally. Invited to LCI this Tuesday, July 2, five days before the second round of the legislative elections, the former Minister of the Economy Dominique Strauss-Kahn affirms that the French must now choose between two solutions: “a majority RN alone, or not a majority alone”. And calls for voting against the candidates of Jordan Bardella’s party.

There is no likelihood of seeing LFI in power.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn on LCI

“If the National Front has a majority on its own, we will enter a completely different cycle”warns the former head of the IMF (see video at the top of this article). “It would be a major change in the way our society operates.” To avoid this, “DSK” says he is ready to slip a La France insoumise (LFI) ballot into the ballot box. “The debate on LFI no longer exists: they cannot win”he sweeps. “There is no likelihood of seeing LFI in power.”

“What is at stake is the life of democracy”he continues. “I don’t like either the extreme part of LFI or the RN, but we are faced with a choice that is no longer that. The only ones who can build a majority are the RN. The least bad solution is that they must not be the majority alone. We must fundamentally oppose the arrival of the National Rally in power.”

If the party formerly led by Marine Le Pen were to take office and implement its programme, it would cost “four points more GDP”which would cause a “rate increase”assures the former Minister of Finance. “If France finances itself at very high rates, we have already seen that in the past: it was called Greece”recalls “DSK”. “I hope that this will not be the case for our country. In economic terms, the extreme situation we are likely to enter will not bring anything good.”




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