This is what “Griezmann” really means in Alsace, Antoine Griezmann’s home region

This is what “Griezmann” really means in Alsace, Antoine Griezmann’s home region
This is what “Griezmann” really means in Alsace, Antoine Griezmann’s home region

France is buzzing for its Blues a few hours before a high-tension duel against Belgium in the round of 16 of Euro 2024. This Monday, July 1, football fans are waiting to see Didier Deschamps’ men in the position that best suits their qualities. For Antoine Griezmann, vice-captainit will probably be in support of the two attackers Marcus Thuram and Kylian Mbappé.

In the city, the 33-year-old footballer’s place is with his family. It is in 2009 that our national Grizou met the Spaniard Erika Choperena, the mother of his three children. “We were staying in a residence with a canteen, which we shared with students from a nearby university. I saw her passing by with a tray. I asked around if anyone knew her. They then explained to me that she was studying child psychology.”was able to tell in the columns of GQ the one who started his career on the Basque Coast.

The pillar of Antoine Griezmann

Crazy about the one who said “yes” for life in June 2017, Antoine Griezmann has never been involved in any moral scandal, unlike some of his teammates. “She has nothing to worry about. […] She knows she’s the one and only.”he assured Figaro on the sidelines of the 2016 World Cup.

And for good reason, both seem to have found each other perfectly. A true pillar of the player, the young woman regularly shares little moments of life on his personal Instagram account. “She’s cool, a real homebody, like me. When she has something in mind, you have to do it, otherwise you get pulled by the ears. She likes to laugh, she cooks for me and does everything to make me feel good.”explained to the Parisian in 2017 an Antoine Griezmann who “has only increased [s]we’re playing level” since he’s been in a relationship.

Photo credit: Instagram/@eri_chope Erika Choperena and Antoine Griezmann

The funny meaning of “Griezmann”

On the ascendants’ side, the youngest of a family of three children can obviously count on the unwavering support of his parents. As for his father Alain, originally from Alsace, the heart is entirely blue-white-red. Note that his mother, Isabelle Lopes, originally from Portugal, supports both the Blues of which her son is a member and the Selecção of Cristiano Ronaldo.

For the record, in Alsatian, Griezmann literally means “mr semolina”. “Griez” means semolina and “mann” means man or gentleman. Certainly, the number 7 of the national team has never had to suffer from bad omens with such a surname.

Nobody pedals in semolina among the Griezmanns

Pedaling in semolina is certainly not a habit common to Griezmann. Antoine Griezmann’s offspring are pushed to to surpass oneself whatever she does. “I teach them to win, to succeed and if you lose, you start again until you get it right. My eldest daughter has taken to it perfectly and loves it,” he declared to Figaro in 2021.

Photo credit: Instagram/@antogriezmann Antoine Griezmann

The Griezmann children were already born under a lucky star. Incredibly, they were all born an April 8th. Mia was born on April 8, 2016, two years later, to the day, Amaro came into the world. Finally, on April 8, 2021, little Alba came to complete this charming family picture.



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