Is Var the department with the largest number of RN deputies elected in the first round of legislative elections?

Is Var the department with the largest number of RN deputies elected in the first round of legislative elections?
Is Var the department with the largest number of RN deputies elected in the first round of legislative elections?

At the end of this first round of early legislative elections this Sunday, June 30, at least 37 RN candidates were elected deputies in the first round, including Marine Le Pen, Sébastien Chenu and Julien Odoul, a first for the Le Penist party which had 88 deputies during the previous legislature.

“It’s a historic resultdeclared Marine Le Pen as soon as the first results were announced. The National Rally has never had any elected representatives in the first round of legislative elections and today, there are several dozen elected representatives in the first round.”

In the Var, out of the eight constituencies, the National Rally has won five in the first round, with the re-election of outgoing RN deputies. These are Philippe Schreck in the eighth constituency, Franck Giletti in the 6th, Julie Lechanteux in the 5th, Philippe Lottiaux in the 4th and Laure Lavalette in the 2nd.

But is it the department with the largest number of RN deputies elected without having to go through the second round?

The RN wins in Pas-de-Calais and Aisne

The answer is no… In Pas-de-Calais, out of the twelve constituencies, the far-right party won half of them and six of its candidates were elected in the first round.

This is particularly the case in Hénin-Beaumont, the stronghold of Marine Le Pen in the 11th constituency of the department, where the outgoing candidate won in the first round and was re-elected with 58.04% of the votes.

After Pas-de-Calais and Var, comes Aisne, where four RN candidates won this Sunday, June 30. In this department of Hauts-de-France, considered one of the main epicenters of the French extreme right, the Lepéniste candidates won in four out of five constituencies, the RN candidate Philippe Torre being also in a very favorable vote for the second round.

Among the candidates who received more than half of the votes are: a large majority of outgoing deputiesbut also newly elected officials, such as Eddy Casterman, who defeated Jean-Louis Bricout in the third constituency of Aisne.



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