Doubs. Is the beast that frolicked on the main road in Écot a wolf?

Doubs. Is the beast that frolicked on the main road in Écot a wolf?
Doubs. Is the beast that frolicked on the main road in Écot a wolf?

The photo reached us this Friday afternoon. The photo was taken that very morning, at the crack of dawn (at 5:30 a.m.) on the departmental road between Écot and Villars-sous-Écot. A motorist came across an animal that looked like a wolf. “We notice the “nets” [N.D.L.R. : lignes] on the front of the forelimbs, small ears, a labial mask. A priori, yes, it is a wolf,” says Gilles Moyne, director of the Athenas wildlife conservation center, based in L’Étoile, in the Jura.

In itself, nothing surprising. The presence of the animal in the region is attested and has given rise to many controversies (opposing defenders and breeders) then to a debate orchestrated by the regional prefect (in April) following the attacks attributed to it. The population is increasing. In France, 1104 individuals have been recorded.

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Another possibility is a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.

Members of the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO) to whom the photos were also sent have doubts. “We are not sure of the identification. We are hesitant with a Czech wolfdog given the animal’s behavior, it seems not very wild. Some criteria do not match the wolf, but the resemblance is there,” comments Ségolène Travichon, deputy director at the regional level. The specialists of the French Biodiversity Observatory (OFB) did not respond to our calls. The director of Athenas reports that a wolf was seen three days ago, 40 km further south: “It is plausible that it is the same one, a subadult in dispersion [N.D.L.R. : qui voyage seul]which would explain the distance traveled […] The departmental road network is very dense in Franche-Comté, the probability of crossing is very high. »

A little over three years ago, a wolf was reported in Saint-Hippolyte.



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