for his supporters in South Carolina, Robert F. Kennedy “is one of the only ones who cannot be bought” – Libération

for his supporters in South Carolina, Robert F. Kennedy “is one of the only ones who cannot be bought” – Libération
for his supporters in South Carolina, Robert F. Kennedy “is one of the only ones who cannot be bought” – Libération


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Proposing an anti-immigration and anti-vaccine program, focused on more social redistribution, the independent candidate attracts a varied electorate, tired of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. “Liberation” attended a meeting of supporters in Greenville.

It’s rare to see former voters of Donald Trump and Joe Biden chatting together. The twenty or so people are seated in a circle on chairs and sofas. They take turns introducing themselves. They work in education, tech or alternative medicine. “You don’t have to say who you voted for.”, reassures Amy Lansky, who receives the group of supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with her husband Steve Rubin, in their living room in Greenville, South Carolina, this Tuesday, June 11. However, everyone is playing the game. Most voted for Joe Biden in 2020. “I wanted Bernie Sanders”, explains a man, in his sixties, with a checked shirt and glasses. Many respond “Me too”. Plus a few Trump and abstentionist ballots.

They confide with shame or regret, and agree on one point: they want an alternative to the Biden-Trump duel. “All those who govern us have more in common with each other. Their interests are not ours. They think about power, about money, and not about the people. This is the United States, the land of possibilities, and I can’t even have a candidate who represents more than 10% or 20% of my concerns., regrets Ronika Perry. The forty-year-old has no “not voted



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