Why all these “world days of…” in June?

Why all these “world days of…” in June?
Why all these “world days of…” in June?

The month of June has a total of 30 world or international days. It is the one which brings together the largest number of celebrations of this type, from World Bicycle Day (June 3) to International Yoga Day (June 21), including that of support for victims of torture ( June 26). An even higher figure if we don’t just stick to the dates listed in the official United Nations calendar. But what is the basis for choosing a world day? And who decides which causes should be put forward?

In recent years, anniversaries and commemorations have been dragged into a commercial drift by private companies who have swallowed up these initiatives. We must therefore clearly distinguish between world and international days dictated by the UN, those which could be defined as officialand those launched by companies and brands.

UN Member States

“International days are chosen by the member states of the United Nations”, explains the UN. Concretely, after these dates have been proposed by several member states, the General Assembly (made up of the 193 countries that make up the organization) decides by consensus whether or not to adopt the resolution which will establish this day.

“Certain days are promoted by specialized agencies and they are not recognized by all Member States,” nuance the UN. For example, World Press Freedom Day (May 3) was proposed by UNESCO before being adopted by the General Assembly.

The choice of this or that cause is made according to its weight in society. Thus, before receiving the approval of Member States, the theme of the world day normally made its way among citizens, giving rise to a political debate. In this regard, we are struck by the recent proliferation of world nature days. Even if only in June, we celebrate World Environment Day (the 5th), that of the oceans (the 8th) and that of the fight against desertification (the 17th).

Considering the fact that environmental protection is one of the major issues currently

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Elena Munoz

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The country (Madrid)

Founded in 1976, six months after Franco’s death, “Le Pays” is the most widely read newspaper in Spain. A center-left daily, it belongs to the Spanish editorial group Prisa.

At the end of 2013, elpais.com launched two new editions for its Latin American readers, with their own editorial staff. The first one, The Country Brazil, was developed in Portuguese for its Brazilian readership and had a site in its own right, before its disappearance for financial reasons in 2021. The second, The Country America, offers differentiated content for its readers on the American continent. Since 2020, The Country Mexico also has its own site and its own editorial staff.

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