En traits Libres wins the Livres Hebdo prize for bookstore of the year 2024

En traits Libres wins the Livres Hebdo prize for bookstore of the year 2024
En traits Libres wins the Livres Hebdo prize for bookstore of the year 2024

The City and Metropolis of Montpellier salute the team of the En traits libre bookstore which has just received the Livres Hebdo Bookstore Prize of the year 2024, awarded this Sunday, June 16, 2024, as part of the National Bookstore Meetings organized in Strasbourg.

“This prize awarded to En traits libre is a source of pride for the entire city. It rewards the hard and intelligent work of a team of enthusiasts who were able to create in a few months one of the most inventive, generous and open places in our center -city.

This prize also salutes the great coherence of an artistic vision which defends the publishing of independent literary and graphic creation and the energy deployed in the service of countless projects – exhibitions, workshops, meetings, drawn concerts – which were missing in our lives cultural yet already very rich. And, more generally, this prize finally serves as a reminder to what extent Montpellier and its region are a hospitable land for comics and its creators.

I extend my warmest congratulations to the entire En traits libre team for this well-deserved distinction.”

Michaël DELAFOSSE, Mayor of the City of Montpellier, President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.

Website of the Grand Prix Livres Hebdo des libraires

The En traits libre team celebrates its award on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7 p.m. around a friendly drink:

Bookstore In free strokes
1, rue Voltaire – Montpellier
[email protected] – Tel: 06 59 29 16 99 / 06 63 47 15 29



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