more than 200 “internet personalities” call to vote for the New Popular Front and against the far right

more than 200 “internet personalities” call to vote for the New Popular Front and against the far right
more than 200 “internet personalities” call to vote for the New Popular Front and against the far right

They thus join the second YouTuber in France, Squeezie, who called for block the National Rally. More than “200 internet personalities” called on Monday June 17 to vote for the New Popular Front, in a column published on the Mediapart blog. Among them, some of the best-known French streamers like Antoine Daniel, AngleDroit, HortyUnderscore, Ken Bogard or mistermv, videographers like Nota Bene… “The time is no longer for neutrality”they assure, calling for “avoid the rise to power of the extreme right”. “Our audience is like us: diverse, from all social classes, often LGBTI+, racialized, with disabilities. The scope of our collective speech gives us obliges”, they add Follow our live.

Thierry Henry calls to “go and vote”. “I am against anything that divides.” The coach of the French youth team supports the positions taken by Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram with a view to the legislative elections. “What can block the extremes is to go and vote, so go and vote”enjoined the one who will be responsible for leading the Blues at the Paris Olympic Games.

More than 400,000 proxies in one week. A total of 409,226 proxies have already been issued since June 10 in order to vote during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, according to the Ministry of the Interior. In 2022, 1.02 million proxies were registered for the first round of legislative elections, on June 12 and 19.

The National Rally is procrastinating on pensions. The reform raising the legal age of departure to 64 years “will be repealed in the fall” in the event of a victory for the RN in the legislative elections, declared the outgoing deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy, on BFMTV, explaining that he did not want “make a mess” during the Olympic Games. Jordan Bardella had judged this subject “important”but not “priority”unlike the left, united under the banner of the New Popular Front, which promises to repeal Emmanuel Macron’s reform from the summer. “The faster we go, the easier it is, because it has barely started to be applied”justified outgoing LFI deputy Eric Coquerel, on BFMTV.

Around sixty constituencies without a candidate Together. The presidential camp has decided not to present a candidate in a “sixty constituencies”, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal declared on RTL. The majority will support it “to another candidate”, from the right, from the left or from the Libertés, independents, overseas and territories group, deemed constructive. This is the case of outgoing LR deputies Michèle Tabarot, Marie-Christine Dalloz, Virginie Duby-Muller, Emilie Bonnivard, Nicolas Forissier, Philippe Juvin and Julien Dive. On the left, the macronie does not present a candidate against the socialist Jérôme Guedj, who is representing himself in Essonne outside the New Popular Front.



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