Eric Ciotti assures that among the 62 candidates nominated as part of his agreement with the RN, “4 or 5” are outgoing Republican deputies

Eric Ciotti assures that among the 62 candidates nominated as part of his agreement with the RN, “4 or 5” are outgoing Republican deputies
Eric Ciotti assures that among the 62 candidates nominated as part of his agreement with the RN, “4 or 5” are outgoing Republican deputies

Twenty-six outgoing LR deputies without a majority candidate facing them

While the different components of the outgoing majority (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons) communicated this Monday the list of their candidates for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, The world has identified the constituencies where Macronie does not engage anyone against the Les Républicains (LR) deputies. Of the sixty outgoing elected officials (including Eric Ciotti and Christelle D’Intorni, allied with the National Rally in the Alpes-Maritimes), twenty-six did not face a majority candidate in the first round.

Officially, there is no apparatus between the leadership of LR “historic channel” (opposed to Mr. Ciotti) and the three majority parties. In Hauts-de-Seine, Philippe Juvin signed a mutual withdrawal agreement in the second round on behalf of his departmental federation with the Prime Minister and Renaissance candidate, Gabriel Attal, and his allies UDI, MoDem and Horizons, while retaining his LR investiture.

Among the right-wing candidates spared, we find many so-called “Macron compatible” deputies » like Virginie Duby-Muller (Haute-Savoie), Nicolas Forissier (Indre), Marie-Christine Dalloz (Jura) or Jean-Louis Thiériot (Seine-et-Marne).

The surprise in this list comes from the presence of five deputies who had voted in March 2023 for the motion of censure brought by the Libertés, independents, overseas and territories (LIOT) group at the time of the pension reform. They are Julien Dive (Aisne), close to Xavier Bertrand, Justine Gruet (Jura), Francis Dubois (opponent of François Hollande in Corrèze), Dino Cinieri (Loire) and Raphaël Schellenberger (Haut-Rhin).

The latter is very close to Aurélien Pradié (Lot), tireless critic of Macronie. He was almost surprised by her gift. “It is surely a thank you for the vote of censorship and my commitment to putting LR candidates in the other circo[nscriptions] of the department »quips Mr. Schellenberger.

Alexander Pedro



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