At the cinema on June 19, these are the films to see: The Bikeriders with Austin Butler and Tom Hardy, Vice-Versa 2… – Cinema News

At the cinema on June 19, these are the films to see: The Bikeriders with Austin Butler and Tom Hardy, Vice-Versa 2… – Cinema News
At the cinema on June 19, these are the films to see: The Bikeriders with Austin Butler and Tom Hardy, Vice-Versa 2… – Cinema News

Filming anecdotes, notes of intent, information for moviegoers: every week, discover behind the scenes of cinema releases.

The Bikeriders by Jeff Nichols

With Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy…

What is it about ? In a bar in the city, Kathy, a young woman with a strong temperament, meets Benny, who has just joined the Vandals biker gang, and immediately falls under his spell. Like the entire country, the gang, led by the enigmatic Johnny, is evolving little by little…

Did you know ? To devote himself to The Bikeriders, Jeff Nichols abandoned the prequel to Quietly That He was to direct (it was taken over by Michael Sarnoski to whom we owe the strange Pig).

Vice Versa 2 by Kelsey Mann

With Charlotte Le Bon, Amy Poehler, Jaynelia Coadou…

What is it about ? Freshly graduated, Riley is now a teenager, which is not without triggering a major upheaval within the headquarters which must face something unexpected: the arrival of new emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust – which have worked successfully for a long time – don’t really know how to react when Anxiety arrives.

Did you know ? Released in 2015, Vice Versa was a hit worldwide, collecting $858 million in revenue. In France, the Pixar film attracted 4.5 million spectators.

Maria by Jessica Palud

With Anamaria Vartolomei, Matt Dillon, Yvan Attal…

What is it about ? Maria is no longer a child and not yet an adult when she ignites the film of a sulphurous film that has become cult: Last Tango in Paris. She quickly rose to fame and became an iconic actress without being prepared for either fame or scandal…

Did you know ? Maria is the free adaptation of Vanessa Schneider’s book Your name was Maria Schneider (Editions Grasset). In the film, Jessica Palud shifted the point of view and it is Maria’s gaze that punctuates the story. The director explains:

“In her book, Vanessa Schneider approached her cousin Maria through the prism of the intimate, through the gaze of the family witness. For the film, I wanted to shift this point of view and focus on Maria. To be in her gaze and never abandon her, make the crossing with her.”

New World by Vincent Cappello

With Rohid Rahimi, Sandor Funtek, Mujib Rahimi…

What is it about ? Rohid, a young Afghan refugee in Paris, must find work to send money to his mother, who is facing death threats from the Taliban. While he persistently studies the French language and tries to integrate, his little brother remains numbed by their journey.

Survive by Frédéric Jardin

With Emilie Dequenne, Andreas Pietschmann, Lucas Ebel…

What is it about ? A catastrophe shakes the planet: the Earth’s magnetic poles have reversed. The oceans wiped out the continents, leaving behind a vast desert. In this ravaged world, a family must fight for survival. When the poles reverse again, it will be too late.

Did you know ? Surviver was born thanks to the meeting between Frédéric Jardin and producers Marc-Étienne Schwartz and Marco Stanimirovic, who had produced the violent revenge film Revenge. They were developing a “survival” with Matthieu Le Naour and Alexandre Coquelle – associated under the pseudonym Matt Alexander –, two very film-loving authors who have written many comedies.

The director remembers: “They were looking for a director’s perspective, knew that I really liked genre cinema. I found the script really interesting, daring, but it was a little too “high”, I lacked a real realistic approach for me to I totally agree with it.”

Out of Time by Olivier Assayas

With Vincent Macaigne, Micha Lescot, Nora Hamzawi…

What is it about ? Paul, a director, and his brother Etienne, a music journalist, are confined to the countryside in the house where they grew up. With them, Morgane and Carole, their new companions. Each room, each object, the trees in the garden, the paths running through the undergrowth remind them of the memories of their childhood, and of their ghosts.

Did you know ? To play the director Paul, Olivier Assayas called on Vincent Macaigne, whom he had just directed in the series Irma Vep and whom he had requested for Doubles Vies:

“We had just filmed Irma Vep together where, in the same way, he was inspired by me to invent a filmmaker’s character. It was a sort of pastiche, he appropriated my quirks, my language tics, my gesture.”

Sinjar, birth of ghosts by Alexe Liebert

With Golshifteh Farahani

What is it about ? On August 3, 2014, the Islamic State group set out to conquer the Mount Sinjar region in Iraq. Five years later, more than three thousand Yazidis are still in their custody or missing. The half-million Yazidis who lived in the region’s towns and villages have fled. All that remains for them today is the living suffering left by those who are absent…

Six Feet on Earth by Karim Bensalah

With Hamza Meziani, Kader Affak, Souad Arsane…

What is it about ? Sofiane, son of a former Algerian diplomat, has traveled a lot. Having settled in Lyon for his studies, he was the victim of an administrative decision and lived under the threat of expulsion. In the hope of regularizing his situation, he agrees to work for Muslim funeral directors.

Did you know ? The film was born from a meeting between Karim Bensalah and someone who told him about his work at a Muslim funeral home and whose story inspired that of Sofiane’s character. The director confides:

“Immediately this context struck me. Then there was the fact that it concerned a person from a wealthy social class who finds himself catapulted into a social, societal environment different from his own. Obviously this made it possible to construct a character who sees himself forced to ask questions about his deep identity.”

She & him & the rest of the world by Emmanuelle Belohradsky

With Victor Belmondo, Galatea Bellugi, Charline Ben Larbi…

What is it about ? Marco, in his twenties, a little lost, helps out a friend by replacing him at his workplace: an emergency center for elevators. Around 3 a.m., a young woman called him: stuck in a broken cabin, she was having an anxiety attack.

Marco tries to reassure her on the phone but finding no technician available to intervene, he decides to go and rescue her himself!

Did you know ? For Her & Him & the Rest of the World, Emmanuelle Belohradsky had in mind After Hours by Martin Scorsese, but also the world of Paul Thomas Anderson (Punch-Drunk Love, Licorice Pizza). She specifies:

“On the French side, the comedies of Pierre Salvadori or Cédric Klapisch inspire me… The universe that I had imagined for Elle & him & the rest of the world was not at all naturalistic but rather that of a fable. “

My Middle by Milo Chiarini

With Milo Chiarini, Nicolas Morazzani, Sabrina Nouchi…

What is it about ? My Middle is the story of Nico. After 20 years in prison, he found freedom, his family, his friends and had to face the difficulties brought about by a long absence among his loved ones.



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