World Day to End Poverty

World Day to End Poverty
World Day to End Poverty

Why a World Day to End Poverty?

World Day to End Poverty continues three objectives :

  • giving voice to the most deprived on the unworthy conditions they live in, their daily resistance and their aspirations
  • mobilize citizens and public officials : in France in particular, it invites us to understand how everyone can act
  • constitute a point of support for a fundamental struggle against poverty all year round

ATD Fourth World hopes that initiatives will multiply on all sides at the initiative of associations, elected officials and citizens.

The theme for 2023 East : “Dignity in action: decent work and social protection“.

Take part in the World Day to End Poverty

The World Day to End Poverty is part of education for solidarity and citizenship. Teachers wishing to mobilize their students can:

  • use the resources made available:
    – educational file for 7-13 year olds
    – educational file for 12-18 year olds
    – examples of games to combat prejudice in schools
    – video tool to involve parents
    – etc.
  • create an event by involving their classes

For further

World Day to End Poverty
The World Day for the Eradication of Poverty, October 17, is recognized by the United Nations as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

The World Day to End Poverty website



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