when Biden wishes Donald Trump his birthday

when Biden wishes Donald Trump his birthday
when Biden wishes Donald Trump his birthday


Tensions with China on the G7 menu

Both an essential partner and a formidable competitor to the world’s great democracies, China is on the agenda of the G7 summit on Friday in Italy: the leaders intend to defend their economies and geostrategic interests, while avoiding escalation with Beijing. Meeting since Thursday in Borgo Egnazia, near Bari, in the south of Italy, the “Group of 7” (United States, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan) must discuss the industrial and commercial policy of Beijing, whose subsidized production is flooding the markets. Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron and their counterparts will also address the military and diplomatic situation in the “Indo-Pacific” zone with a focus on territorial disputes between Beijing and its neighbors, including Taiwan, and security of sea lanes in the South China Sea. They will also discuss the support of China and North Korea for the Russian military effort in its war against Ukraine. “The G7 countries are on the same line vis-à-vis China,” he said. indicated a Japanese government source to AFP. The United States and the European Union are concerned about the risk posed to world markets by the increase in Chinese exports of low-cost products fueled by subsidies for new technologies, particularly in photovoltaic, electric vehicle and lithium battery sectors. Beijing’s recent restrictions on exports of minerals crucial to sectors like electric vehicles and telecoms will also be on the agenda. Trade relations between China and the The West are currently sources of tension. Brussels announced on Wednesday the imposition of up to 38% additional customs duties on imports of Chinese electric vehicles into the EU. – “Industrial overcapacity” – The United States, the European Union and Japan have all expressed their concerns about Chinese “industrial overcapacity” endangering Western companies which are struggling to compete in the face of this flow. China considers these accusations unfounded, but American Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged her counterparts in the G7 at a meeting in Stresa in northern Italy to present “a clear and united front” on this subject. At the end of their talks, the ministers warned that they would consider measures to “guarantee fair conditions” for all economies. The threat launched on Wednesday by the EU on Chinese imports, despite the reluctance of Berlin which fears a trade war, is devoid of any “factual and legal basis”, Beijing said on Thursday. China reserves the right to file a complaint with the WTO and take all necessary measures to resolutely defend the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises,” said He Yadong, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce.Month Last year, the United States for its part drastically increased customs duties on certain Chinese production, notably by 100% on electric vehicles, with President Joe Biden going so far as to accuse China of “cheating”. The leaders will also discuss on Friday recent Chinese restrictions on exports of rare minerals like gallium, germanium and graphite, crucial for industries like telecoms, electronics and batteries. But the talks on China will not be limited to trade: l Beijing’s aid to the Russian military effort will also be on the menu. – Pope and IA – The G7 “agrees to act together” against the supply by Beijing to Moscow of “necessary materials for its war machine”, said President Joe Biden said Thursday during a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. The latter, however, assured that President Xi Jinping had “given him his word”, during a telephone interview, that Beijing would not would not sell arms to Russia. The G7 is due to welcome non-member heads of state and government during the day, including the Indian Narendra Modi, Abdullah II of Jordan, the Turk Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Argentinian Javier Milei and the Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Pope Francis is also expected early in the afternoon to speak about artificial intelligence. On Thursday, the G7 announced an agreement on the use of interest generated by frozen Russian assets, for the benefit of Kiev which will receive this year 50 billion dollars in loans paid by this windfall. The day was also marked by friction between France, the United States and Italy, host country, criticized for opposing a formulation incisive in favor of the defense of the right to abortion in the summit’s final declaration. The G7 leaders launched their work on a lighter note on Friday, singing a “happy birthday” to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who is celebrating his 66 years old, according to a diplomatic source.ams-glr/gab/thm



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