Legislative 2024: the exclusion of Eric Ciotti from the Republicans suspended by the courts, what will happen now?

Legislative 2024: the exclusion of Eric Ciotti from the Republicans suspended by the courts, what will happen now?
Legislative 2024: the exclusion of Eric Ciotti from the Republicans suspended by the courts, what will happen now?

the essential
The Paris judicial court invalidated the exclusion of Éric Ciotti from the Republicans which had been pronounced by the Political Bureau of the right-wing party. This decision will have several consequences on the political level.

“Justice has spoken.” It only took a few minutes for Éric Ciotti this Friday, June 14 to comment on the decision of the Paris judicial court regarding his exclusion from the Republicans, decreed by the Political Bureau of the right-wing party. The court therefore ruled, ruling in effect that this exclusion contradicted the regulations that had been established within the party. The text in fact stipulates that the body can only meet at the request of the “president of the movement” – Éric Ciotti in this case – “or at the initiative of a quarter of the members of the National Council”. In detail, the verdict was rendered by the summary jurisdiction of the Paris judicial court, which decided to suspend the exclusion decisions pronounced against the president of the Republicans on June 12 and 14.

In legal terms, what will happen now? Eric Ciotti’s defense now has eight days to refer the merits of the case to court. A new hearing will then take place: until this is organized, Éric Ciotti will then be able to use the logos and brands that belong to the Republicans, and of course, to remain in his chair as president of the party of right.

The political divide

On the political front, the situation promises to be complex for these elections. On the side ofÉric Ciotti and his alliance with the National Rally, 60 to 70 candidates from the right party would be supported by the far right during these elections. Among these prizes of war will be the regional councilor of Ile-de-France Babette de Rozière and “former or current LR elected officials from Paris”, specified Sébastien Chenu on France 2. The flame party will also invest the former magistrate Charles Prats and the former CNews editorialist Guillaume Bigot.

Read also :
2024 legislative elections and crisis at LR: who supports Eric Ciotti within the party? Which deputies refuse the alliance with the RN? La Dépêche answers you

For candidates who refuse an alliance with the National Rally, two solutions are available to them: in the first case, accept the outstretched hand of the presidential majority. This is the case for example in Hauts-de-Seine, where a “non-aggression” pact was signed between Gabriel Attal and Les Républicains candidates so as not to run against each other. Another solution is simply to present LR candidates, without the slightest agreement with the presidential majority or the National Rally. On this path, in a press release released Thursday evening, the party assured that it had already designated more than 200 candidates, including the 59 outgoing deputies who did not follow their president. With the risk of grotesque situations in certain constituencies, in which two LR candidates – a pro-Ciotti candidate and another anti-Ciotti – would clash.



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