Villebrumier. Marina Di Santolo and Laurent Huard, the fires of love

Villebrumier. Marina Di Santolo and Laurent Huard, the fires of love
Villebrumier. Marina Di Santolo and Laurent Huard, the fires of love

the essential
Marriage in the fire service, even more than an engagement.

There are fires that cannot be put out. For Marina and Laurent, both in the fire brigade, it is paradoxical but it is the case.

Marina works in human resources at the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) of Tarn-et-Garonne. After a professional secretarial baccalaureate, a stint at the village nursing home, she had a career as a police officer for fifteen years. Retired from this force, she manages the careers of some 145 professional firefighters at SDIS. She likes this discipline, the military side, the uniform. Ah! the uniform… Laurent wears it every day, including his wedding day, because he is a professional firefighter near Blagnac airport. Do not confuse them with the runway firefighters, those in the surrounding areas intervene in the surrounding areas and in the airport when necessary. This is for his job, already a big commitment, you will agree. That’s not all because he has also been the head of the Corbarieu fire brigade for around ten years, Captain Laurent Huard on a voluntary basis. Respect to both in this period when volunteers to join the firefighters are sorely lacking.

A well-established family

About fifteen years ago, Marina, from the village, and Laurent, from Corbarieu, had friends in common. They know each other, rub shoulders and ah… the fires of love! They entered into a civil partnership, bought a house in Corbarieu which they renovated and moved in in 2011. Their two daughters were born there. When they learn that mom and dad are going to get married, they are very happy, but “ah… no dresses!” They won their case and both dressed in a little top and white shorts, they looked very pretty. Juliette, 11 years old, in 6th grade, is already imagining joining the Young Firefighters (JSP), a real commitment for these young people who are beginning this four-year training journey. As for Manon, in CE2, she turned 9 the day before their wedding, and what she likes is theater activity. And they both agree when it comes to going fishing with Dad!

Sharing and righteousness

Angélique Tessier, assistant, married them this Saturday, June 8 at 11 a.m. A vibrant speech recalling their first glances in the school courtyard and also their values ​​of sharing and righteousness. At the time of consent, the witnesses hold up banners telling them to say “yes” and they say it to each other. After leaving the town hall, between the double hedge of the Corbarieu firefighters, they go towards a secular celebration. It’s more personal, organized in great secrecy by Maryline and Flore, two childhood friends of the bride. We will leave them there, with families and friends, it is also for them all these fires of love…



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