“The obsolescence of vehicles, road insecurity…are major challenges”

“The obsolescence of vehicles, road insecurity…are major challenges”
“The obsolescence of vehicles, road insecurity…are major challenges”

Khalil Kamara

June 14, 2024 at 3:38 p.m.

500 gas taxis were received by the Minister of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport, this Thursday, June 13, 2024. El Hadji Malick Ndiaye, on his page these new vehicles symbolize the efforts to modernize our public transport fleet“.

Access to quality mobility is essential for economic development, social cohesion and the attractiveness of territories. Our commitment is to put in place quality transport systems at competitive costs, in accordance with the directives of the President of the Republic. The obsolescence of vehicles, road insecurity, the insufficient transport supply and the lack of professionalism of those involved are major challenges. Renewing our vehicle fleet is crucial to improving transportation safety and efficiency“, according to the Minister of Infrastructure.

El Malick Ndiaye recalls that “ cooperation with Iran has enabled the creation of a vehicle assembly plant, an investment that stimulates industrialization, creates jobs and promotes sustainable development. The factory will now produce SAMAND brand taxis, contributing to the national economy. We support the authorities of Thiès in improving travel conditions. CETUD is working on a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to meet short, medium and long term needs“.

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