Still not received your 2024 energy check? Here’s how to get your money back

Still not received your 2024 energy check? Here’s how to get your money back
Still not received your 2024 energy check? Here’s how to get your money back

At the heart of the financial concerns of the French in 2024, energy checks constitute crucial aid for many households.

Destined for reduce energy costs, these checks are sent automatically to eligible households. However, some beneficiaries are still waiting for this vital assistance. Here is a complete guide on how to claim the energy check not receivedwith a claims process beginning in July 2024.

Read also:

  1. Energy check for 800 euros: Find out how you could soon benefit from it
  2. Energy check €277: new wave of shipments until April 25, here are the departments to come
  3. The €277 Energy Check not received: Panic and solutions for a million French people

The Context of Energy Checks

In 2024, the distribution of energy checks took place automatically until April 25. However, a remarkable gap was noted concerning households which, eligible in 2022 but not in 2021, did not receive their dues. These checks are essential tools for households, allowing them to reduce expenses on gas, electricity or for energy renovations. The absence of this check can significantly affect family finances.

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Setting up the Complaints Portal

From July 2024, a dedicated portal will be accessible to initiate complaints procedures, which will remain open until December of the same year. The documents needed for this procedure include your tax number, a valid ID, and a recent energy bill. These elements will verify your eligibility and confirm your identity as well as your energy consumption.

Usefulness and Impact of the Energy Check

The energy check plays a key role, especially during periods of soaring energy prices, by offering families greater room for maneuver in their budget. If not received, it is crucial to be prepared to begin the claims process to ensure this financial assistance reaches the hands of those who need it.

Tips for an Effective Complaint

When the portal opens in July 2024, it will be wise to collect all the required documents in advance. Make sure the information on your documents is correct, keep a copy of your energy bills and access the portal quickly as soon as it launches to avoid delays.

Advantages of the Online Portal

The introduction of an online portal is a boon for those who have not received their energy check. This ease of access allows more beneficiaries to submit their applications easily and efficiently, minimizing travel and potential complications.

Preparing for the Claims Period

It is essential not to procrastinate. The claims period runs from July to December 2024, providing ample time to prepare and submit your claims. However, it is advisable to act quickly to avoid last minute traffic jams and possible forgetting in a hurry.

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This article explores the steps to follow for beneficiaries who have not received their energy check in 2024. It highlights the importance of this assistance, the preparations needed before the claims portal opens in July, and the benefits of using the online portal to ensure efficient and hassle-free claiming. With the right preparations and quick action, households can recoup this crucial financial support to manage their energy costs.



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