“The shock and then the killing”: a blank march for Romane, fatally hit by a driver under the influence in Ixelles in 2023

“The shock and then the killing”: a blank march for Romane, fatally hit by a driver under the influence in Ixelles in 2023
“The shock and then the killing”: a blank march for Romane, fatally hit by a driver under the influence in Ixelles in 2023

That evening, Romane spent the evening with a few friends at the Belga café in Ixelles. She was returning home on a scooter when a driver under the influence of alcohol hit her from behind and dragged her for several dozen meters. The young woman died the next day in hospital. In mid-September, his parents Rinaldo Pontello and Nathalie Motte decided to go to the front with extraordinary courage by publicizing their tragedy. Objective: to raise awareness among the general public of the dangers associated with drunk driving. And, also and above all, to address Belgium’s laxity in terms of sanctions against road drivers by incorporating into law the principle of “road homicide”, which would systematize the criminal referral of perpetrators of offenses serious road traffic.

Romane Pontello, fatally struck by a driver under the influence in September 2023 in Ixelles. ©DR

“Belgium is the most lax country in Europe on this subject”deplores Nathalie Motte. “In , Italy, and also in the Nordic countries, road homicide is recognized. In our country, not.” Following the death of their daughter, Rinaldo Pontello and Nathalie Motte wrote to numerous parliamentarians. MP Vanessa Matz (Les Engagés) tabled a bill aimed at recognizing fatal accidents caused by irresponsible drivers as road homicides. On Vias’ side, we perfectly understand the request of Romane’s parents. “We are currently analyzing the existing legal basis”comments the spokesperson for the institution Benoît Godart.

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In addition to this bill, Romane’s parents also submitted a petition to the House, via the platform of the federal parliament 17 days ago. They are waiting for a response. They are also organizing a white march next Sunday, November 17 – world day of remembrance for victims of road accidents – in Ixelles, at the same place where their daughter was hit by the driver, at the Square du Souvenir in Ixelles. Petition supported by Vias and HeroForZero. “This march aims to raise awareness among the general public but also to pay tribute to all the victims of road accidents,” continues Nathalie Motte. At least 200 people are expected there.

The invitation to this white march perfectly sums up their fight. “Imagine for a moment… Your child, full of life, trapped under 1,500 kg of moving metal. This is what we experienced that fateful night, and today we can no longer remain silent. In Belgium , every day, thousands of drivers get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs, endangering innocent lives amid general indifference. Despite the many lives lost, including that of our daughter Romane, the legislation. current situation does not punish commensurate with the tragedy caused by these acts. Today, sentences are short and inadequate for crimes that destroy entire families.”

“We want the classification of so-called “involuntary” homicides when they are committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs to be reconsidered. In several European countries, the notion of road homicide already exists, thus recognizing the seriousness of these acts Why not in Belgium? A report from the Vias Institute reveals that almost 90% of people deprived of the right to drive reoffend, and that one accident in three involves a repeat driver. Our roads cannot change. no longer be places of impunity. Romane cannot have died for nothing.”



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