“In the face of chaos, I will not remain inactive after the legislative elections”

“In the face of chaos, I will not remain inactive after the legislative elections”
“In the face of chaos, I will not remain inactive after the legislative elections”

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INFO LE FIGARO – The former special advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy, already elected deputy in 2012 in Yvelines, fears “the chaos” of “two camps ready to fight and not only at the ballot boxes” and announces his intention to participate in a third way, after the legislative elections.

I have always said that I am done with political, electoral, partisan politics. It wasn’t my problem anymore. But I will not remain inactive once these elections are over. We have three years to try to build alternatives”, announces, in “Perspectives» (Le Figaro-TV), the one who was close to Philippe Séguin for a long time. Henri Guaino observes “two camps that face each other and want to do battle, and not only at the ballot box“, sensing “violence and chaos. When the country is in this state and the political class is incapable of responding, how can we stand by and do nothing?”he argues, after leaving electoral life after the 2017 legislative elections.

LR no longer has a political identity, the original sin was the UMP. We grouped together the Gaullists, the centrists and the liberals. We created an electoral cartel. We lost our popular base, which was in fact the goal of those who were its promoters», says the man who has experienced the evolution of the right up close. Henri Guaino was at the beginning of the Rally for France led, at the time of the 1999 European elections, by Charles Pasqua. Supporter of “No” to the Maastricht Treaty and the 2005 referendum, he was then pen and advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy, then UMP deputy for Yvelines in 2012.



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