teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison

teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison
teenager sentenced to 20 years in prison

The 16-year-old teenager tried for the murder of little Rose, 5 years old, in Rambervillers (Vosges) last year, was sentenced Wednesday to 20 years of criminal imprisonment, the maximum sentence, as well as 20 years of socio-judicial follow-up, in accordance with the requisitions of the prosecution.

When this judgment was announced, the young man had no reaction and responded favorably to the question from the president of the court to find out if he had understood his sentence.

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The teenager has been on trial since Tuesday to try to understand what led him to commit the irreparable on little Rose-Izabela on April 25, 2023.

That day, while playing in the park opposite the family home, the 5-year-old girl had the misfortune of following the 15-year-old boy, through the streets of Rambervillers (Vosges), until his apartment located 300 meters away.

The child let herself be convinced by this teenager with a disturbing profile who suggested she see a cat.

He had been looking for prey for several days

But once in the apartment, little Rose-Izabela was confronted with the morbid intentions of this young boy who, for several days, had obviously been looking for prey. The latter allegedly undressed the child before putting adhesive tape over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. He then allegedly grabbed her and placed her in a bathtub partially filled with water to drown her.



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