Beyond all the more or less partisan comments, the often harsh criticism of a “media world” sometimes under influence, Donald Trump's victory is a terrible blow to the American deep state. This famous Deep State, which few people are willing to talk about, is nevertheless essential due to the extent of the powers it has acquired over time without ever emerging from the protective shadow in which it has always remained.
From finance to politics, industry and media
It probably finds its origins in the Anglo-Saxon bankers who controlled the City from the beginning of the 19th century. Stephen Goodson alludes to this in his “History of Central Banks” by citing a letter from FD Roosevelt addressed to Colonel House in 1934 in which he evokes a plutocracy which has ruled the United States since the end of Andrew Jackson's mandate.
The entire history of the United States is strongly imbued with this struggle that these bankers waged, even before their independence, to control the American currency. Their definitive victory will be the creation of the FED in 1913.
It was from the “Round Table” imported to the United States by its English counterpart (see Caroll Quigley's book “The Secret History of the Anglo-American Oligarchy”) that the famous think tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) directly modeled on the British RIIA (Royal Institute for International Affairs).
The first president of the CFR was Mandell House. Very “globalist” in inspiration, the CFR was at the origin of the League of Nations (League of Nations) which hardly prospered due to the isolationism of the American people, strongly anchored since the “Monroe Doctrine”
This isolationism was a real brake on the hegemonic desire of the CFR which used its influence to break it by bringing the United States into the Second World War in 1941.
At the end of the war, this hegemony had become a reality but the world was divided into two blocs.
In August 1949, after the explosion of the Soviet nuclear bomb, the deep state proposed the “Last Judgment” project which created a sort of “shadow government” to be able to exercise the conduct of military operations in the event that a nuclear attack would wipe out both the Pentagon, the White House and the Capitol. This project continued and a lot of anti-atomic equipment was built for this purpose and a certain number of people (not elected) were trained.
Eisenhower in January 1961 and Kennedy in November 1963 tried, without success, to warn the American people of the threat to Democracy posed by this “shadow power”.
It was the “golden age” of the “military-industrial complex” and the “all-out” wars allowed it to enrich itself again and again by playing on the fears of the Third World War. The “Cold War” was a golden period for this deep state which benefited from an almost unlimited military budget.
In 1981, the project changed its name to the COG (Continuity Of Government) project, through which the deep state intended to seize places of political power in order to pull the strings while remaining out of sight. citizens.
This COG program could only come into force in the event of a declared state of war. Perhaps this is the reason why George W Bush uttered, on September 11, 2001, upon learning of the events, these fateful words: “We are at war!” »?
The presence of Dick Cheney in the bunker in the west wing of the White House can only be explained in this way, according to Peter Dale Scoot in his book “The American Deep State”.
The surprising speed with which the “patriot act” was promulgated testified to much earlier preparation and the text could not have been adopted without very specific circumstances as it restricted individual freedoms.
And Trump arrived…
As soon as he took office, Donald Trump clearly announced the color. He was going to “drain the swamp” of Washington.
This vast program could not be carried out during his first mandate, as the task was so arduous. Nevertheless, he had the immense merit of revealing to a large part of the American people the existence of this shadow power which made the reality of apparent power almost artificial, intended only to preserve the appearance of democracy.
The rest is known. The “deep state” sought by all means to prevent Donald Trump from achieving his ends. But, by doing so, he became more and more fragile. Trump had perfectly understood what his weaknesses were and he acted to deprive the military-industrial complex of its resources by interrupting all the wars which justified colossal sums (9,000 billion dollars according to him) which were, through public debts, paid by the American people without there being the slightest benefit in return.
It is therefore a real “battle of the Titans” which has begun
After winning the first round by bringing out of the shadows those who insisted on remaining hidden to carry out their project of world domination, Donald Trump (at least apparently) lost the second by not being re-elected. The result of a strategic calculation or an imbalance of force, we will probably never know?
His re-election to the White House, pushed by the tenfold power of a people who understood that the real stakes in this fight to the death were the defense of the values in which they believed and who had realized how much they had been duped and that it was the very future of the country which was threatened, gives Donald Trump the means of victory. He knows that, despite the enormous power, particularly in the media, of the Deep State, it is the heart of America that will be behind it.
Jean Goychman
Illustration : DR
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