The UN denounces the operation to free the hostages and those who hold them –

The UN denounces the operation to free the hostages and those who hold them –
The UN denounces the operation to free the hostages and those who hold them –

– The UN said Tuesday it was both “deeply shocked” by the impact on civilians of the Israeli operation to free the hostages and “deeply distressed by the fact that Palestinian armed groups continue to hold numerous hostages “. “All these actions, by both parties, could amount to war crimes,” lamented the High Commissioner’s spokesperson.

– American Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets representatives of the Israeli opposition on Tuesday as part of a new tour intended to defend a ceasefire plan in the Gaza Strip. He is also expected in Jordan for an international conference aimed at mobilizing funds for humanitarian aid in the Palestinian territory.

– The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a draft American resolution supporting the Gaza ceasefire plan. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas immediately “welcomed” the vote, calling it a “step in the right direction.”

– The Israeli army announced the death of four of its soldiers, killed Monday in fighting in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.

– Four Palestinians, one of whom was suspected by Israel of an attack, were killed by the Israeli army near Ramallah, the Palestinian authority announced. These deaths are a new episode of tensions in the occupied West Bank on the sidelines of the war in Gaza.

– The Israeli Parliament voted early Tuesday (63 for, 57 against) in favor of a controversial bill on military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews defended by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but criticized by his Defense Minister.

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