Soros/Biden versus Netanyahu/Trump, by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

Soros/Biden versus Netanyahu/Trump, by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Soros/Biden versus Netanyahu/Trump, by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

Alexander Soros and Benjamin Netanyahu

It seems unlikely that two very influential Khazars [1]George Soros (GS) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are in the running for the presidency between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Forwardwhich presents itself as a Jewish, independent (sic) and non-profit portal, in its sectarian Judeo-centrism, evokes the “7 Jewish things [2] from the courtroom where the jury deliberated Trump’s fate,” including Trump’s thunderous mention of George Soros, who blamed Hungarian-born mega-speculator GS for financing the Afro-American prosecutor. controversial American from Manhattan, Alvin Bragg (AB).

The overwhelming majority of multimedia outlets controlled by GS took Trump by the throat for attacking the mega-speculator without proof.

Glenn Kessler (GK), member of the very influential Council on Foreign Relations, who has been a self-proclaimed “Fact Checker” for 11 years, set the tone for the multitude of multimedia. THE Washington Post – owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos and alleged CIA spokesperson – contradicted the inflammatory claim that GS “funded” Alvin Bragg (AB).

The very controversial balancing act of misdeeds and deeds Glenn Kessler claims that GS as such never participated in the financing of AB’s electoral campaign, and at the same time, in a triple jump of death without a safety net, he admits that GS’s son and daughter-in-law financed the controversial prosecutor AB. The conjurer contradicts himself by admitting that GS paid $1 million to Color of Change, a progressive organization (sic) that supported AB’s campaign [3].

GK, the checker of what suits him – always for the benefit of the establishment and the Deep State – omits the ferocious decision to demolish Trump taken by Soros’ heir, Alexander Soros (AS), 38, today boss of the fetid Open Society Foundation – named six years ago among the young world leaders of the World Economic Forum in Davos led by the German globalist Klaus Schwab: invention of the late Khazar Henry Kissinger, former employee of the banker David Rockefeller, the creator of the Trilateral Commission [4]

AS, who meddles in everything from Ukraine to Armenia to Mexico (sic), “urged Democrats to call Trump a ‘convicted criminal’ at every opportunity” [5].

Today, Israeli society is fractured at all levels, but the long-running clash between the two Khazars Soros and Netanyahu is manifesting itself, so much so that the controversial 32-year-old son of the Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Netanyahu -que this one does not hesitate to use it as his official thug – made fun of GS in his virulent memes [6].

The divide and its bills reached donations from Khazarian billionaires, such as Bill Ackman and Miriam Adelson, widow of owner Sheldon Adelson [7]which, on the very day of the apparent judicial Sovietization of the Trump affair [8]a modern application of lawfare – the judicialization of sectarian politics – made generous donations to the alleged convicted criminal.

According to Bloomberg, a plethora of Khazarian Wall Street billionaires, close to Netanyahu and the Republicans, rushed to Trump’s side to mock the verdict [9]including the very powerful Khazarian Steve Schwarzman, head of BlackStone, the predecessor of BlackRock.

It is no secret to expose Trump’s links with Netanyahu through the negotiations of his Khazarian son-in-law Jared Kushner, while the strong tension (without going as far as an unthinkable rupture, due to the influence of Israeli Prime Minister in the United States Congress, where he has just been – in a completely unusual way – invited to present his position) between the Israeli Prime Minister and Biden (who stormed by asserting that “people have “perfectly reason” [10] to think that Netanyahu is prolonging the war just to stay in power,” is becoming more and more noticeable.

So who will win, between Soros/Biden and Netanyahu/Trump?



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