Europeans: Jean-Paul Fournier, mayor of Nîmes: E Macron and G Attal “main engine of the rise of extremes”

Europeans: Jean-Paul Fournier, mayor of Nîmes: E Macron and G Attal “main engine of the rise of extremes”
Europeans: Jean-Paul Fournier, mayor of Nîmes: E Macron and G Attal “main engine of the rise of extremes”

In a press release published this Sunday evening, an hour after the first results of the European elections, the LR mayor of Nîmes Jean-Paul Fournier holds Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel mainly responsible “for the rise of extremes”. He specifies in particular: “By not tackling France’s ills in terms of security, purchasing power or immigration, the executive has completely cut itself off from the French. Today, the couple who leads France is purely and simply discredited. He has also become the. main driving force behind the rise of extremes and this result which means that France will be represented in Strasbourg by a majority of deputies who do not increase the political debate.”

The press release in its entirety

“The result of the elections of the 81 French representatives to the European Parliament this Sunday June 9 is not a surprise: significant abstention, unprecedented defeat of a majority in office, surge in national unity, performance of the socialists and disappointing score for the republican right. The presidential camp’s score has never fallen so low in an election of this type, while the campaign was led directly by the President of the Republic and his Prime Minister.

Not to tackle France’s ills in terms of security, purchasing power or immigration, the executive has completely cut itself off from the French. Today, the couple who rule France are purely and simply discredited. It has also become the main driving force behind the rise of extremes and this result which means that France will be represented in Strasbourg by a majority of deputies who do not increase the political debate.

As for the Republican right, it is far from the revival necessary to guarantee the future of the Nation. The national LR authorities will absolutely have to pull themselves together to prepare for the municipal elections of 2026 and consider playing a role in 2027, otherwise France will inevitably fall into the camp of the extremes. »



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