Vimoutiers. A hundred seniors at Fitness Day

Vimoutiers. A hundred seniors at Fitness Day
Vimoutiers. A hundred seniors at Fitness Day

It was a day dedicated to fitness and conviviality which took place on Wednesday. At the invitation of the cantonal association, Générations Mouvement, the Rural Elders, chaired by Patrice Dupont, the approximately 400 members of the eight affiliated clubs, from the Pays du Camembert, were invited to meet as part of the Day of the shape. Ninety-two of them responded to the invitation, in the room of the Jeanne-Lacroix residence, where the lunch took place before giving way to card and board games.

Because social connections, good for morale, contribute as much to maintaining fitness as physical activity. In the morning, around ten of them took part in a hike with two circuits of the participants’ choice: one of 8 km and the other of 2.5 km. All clubs are represented,” welcomes Patrice Dupont, of the Sap-en-Auge club, who was reappointed president of the cantonal association.

He is supported by vice-presidents Pierre Bisson (from Champeaux) and Danièle Noël-Gérard (from Vimoutiers). The position of treasurer remains filled by Monique Schmitt (from Renouard) and that of assistant treasurer by Thérèse Laigre (from Champosoult). That of secretary is ensured by Françoise Boisloret (from Ticheville), that of assistant by Gisèle Présier (from Champosoult).

The cantonal association will meet walkers on Tuesday September 10 for walking day in Les Champeaux, as well as on Wednesday September 25 for an outing in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine).



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