LIVE – 80 years since the Landing: Emmanuel Macron spoke in Bayeux, Joe Biden expected at Pointe du Hoc

LIVE – 80 years since the Landing: Emmanuel Macron spoke in Bayeux, Joe Biden expected at Pointe du Hoc
LIVE – 80 years since the Landing: Emmanuel Macron spoke in Bayeux, Joe Biden expected at Pointe du Hoc
The American election and Donald Trump in the lead

But it is also the Democratic candidate for the American presidential election next November who will speak this afternoon. Like Ronald Reagan who preached for the affirmation of American power against, at the time, the Soviet Union, Joe Biden will refute the temptation of international withdrawal, embodied in his eyes by Donald Trump. He will discuss Ukraine, but also the “dangers of isolationism” and will explain how, if we bow to dictators and do not stand up to them (…), it is America and the world that end up paying the price,” his national security adviser Jake Sullivan has already announced. Nothing says that the American president, in search of solemnity, will pronounce the name of his rival.


By coming to Pointe du Hoc, the American president will want to embody authority in the face of voters who are concerned about his age, his physical vigor and his mental acuity. His speech will also be a call to the many veterans of the American army: any vote is good to take for Joe Biden, in the perspective of an undecided election. He is expected to deliver his speech around 4 p.m.



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