Elected official attacked in Cavanac: “This altercation has nothing to do with his status as an elected official”, the suspect’s lawyer counterattacks

Elected official attacked in Cavanac: “This altercation has nothing to do with his status as an elected official”, the suspect’s lawyer counterattacks
Elected official attacked in Cavanac: “This altercation has nothing to do with his status as an elected official”, the suspect’s lawyer counterattacks

the essential
An elected official from the town of Cavanac was allegedly attacked on May 20 by three people working on the construction site of a private house. This Monday, June 3, the lawyer of the business manager suspected of this violence, Victor Font, brushes aside the majority of the facts and affirms that his client has filed a complaint in turn.

“When he says he was beaten up by three people, that’s completely false.” On May 20, an elected official from Cavanac claimed to have been attacked by three craftsmen who were working on a construction site. A complaint was filed by the latter with the Limoux gendarmerie and “three days of ITT were prescribed to him following a crack in the bridge of the nose and a significant bruise under one eye” indicates his lawyer Me Trilles. On site, the police noted the identities of the suspects and took their statements. But now, almost two weeks later, the lawyer for the business manager mentioned in the case, Me Victor Font, disputes the facts apart from the fire. “They burned pieces of wood, as is regularly done on a construction site, in a small metal container. There was not thick black smoke as the elected official says”specifies Me Font adding that the company of his 35-year-old client works regularly with municipalities and has no criminal record.

Upon arriving on site, the elected official would have filmed the smoke and the three craftsmen who were working on the site. But according to Victor Font, “the video erases part of the story” : “It has been truncated. The complainant enters private property and does not have the right to do so. This is a home invasion. He takes out his phone, films the three employees. There, in fact, he announces that he is municipal councilor and asks to put out the fire”, explains Me Font. And to continue: “My client responds by saying: advise what you want, I ask you to introduce yourself and say what you do. The video is cut at that moment, when in reality it was filmed longer . He produced a truncated version to the gendarmerie.”

Two days of ITT

Still according to the advice of the business manager, his client would have requested “to stop filming”. “He did not understand that he was a municipal councilor, what he wanted was for the elected official to introduce himself. The latter refused to stop the video”adds Me Font.

The two men, the business manager and the municipal councilor, allegedly came to blows because the latter did not want to stop filming. “My client was found with his t-shirt torn to shreds, shirtless and two days of temporary incapacity for work were prescribed to him. And it was he who alerted the firefighters because he felt pain in his shoulder, he was evacuated by emergency services. There were never any injuries to the municipal councilor’s face.”

The suspects who allegedly hit the elected official were questioned by the Limoux gendarmerie and released. “An investigation was opened by this same brigade, it is the court which will detail who was in a situation of self-defense since there were blows from both sides by two people and not three”, says the council. Only one of the employees would have witnessed the scene but the other would have seen nothing. A complaint was also apparently filed by the business manager on May 21, the day after the events. “This altercation has nothing to do with his status as an elected official. It is the fact that he enters private land, that he unknowingly films a person and that he refuses to stop.” To be continued.



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