Near Marseille, a bus falls several meters after its driver becomes unwell

Near Marseille, a bus falls several meters after its driver becomes unwell
Near Marseille, a bus falls several meters after its driver becomes unwell
Municipal Civil Security Reserve of Cassis The bus crashed in Cassis after its driver became unwell, June 2, 2024.

Municipal Civil Security Reserve of Cassis

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – A small miracle. A bus fell several meters in Cassis, near Marseille, due to the probable discomfort of its driver, reports the local daily Provence this Monday, June 3. The 61-year-old man was slightly injured.

The accident occurred on Sunday morning. The bus driver was near the Gorguettes parking lot in Cassis, a small town popular for its coves which is as usual on his route. The bus hit a barrier at the entrance to the car park and continued onto the curb, only to fall several meters below.

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A photo of the orange bus blocked by rocks on the slope a few centimeters from a tennis court was posted by the Cassis municipal civil security reserve on Facebook, as you can see above and at the top of the article.

Transported to La Ciotat hospital

On the social network, the Municipal Civil Security Reserve of Cassis also explains that the driver did ” a faintness “. However, the firefighters did not confirm the information, specifies Provence.

The driver was alone on the bus at the time and was not carrying any passengers. He was slightly injured and taken to La Ciotat hospital.

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