Donald Trump to conquer the African-American and Hispanic electorate –

Usually supportive of Democratic ideas, African-American and Hispanic voters have never been more likely to say they want to vote for the Republican candidate in the next presidential election. And Donald Trump understood this well, leading a vast campaign to seduce this electorate which could tip the result in his favor in November.

Despite his numerous legal setbacks, Donald Trump remains imperturbable and continues as best he can to campaign for the November presidential election.

Let things be clear. Whether you’re black, brown, white, or any other damn color, it makes no difference. We are all Americans

Donald Trump, Republican candidate for the White House

Present in recent weeks in New York where he was on trial for hidden payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels – a case he has since lost – the Republican billionaire took the opportunity to hold a meeting in the Bronx on May 23, neighborhood with a large African-American (30%) and Hispanic (55%) majority.

More than just a provocation

Its appearance in the Bronx is part of a strategy to attract minorities. [AFP – JIM WATSON]

More than a simple provocation to divert attention from his trial in New York, his appearance in this disadvantaged neighborhood is above all part of a broader strategy to attract minorities who usually vote en masse for the Democratic candidate.

“Let me be clear. Whether you are black, brown, white or any other damn color, it makes no difference. We are all Americans,” he proclaimed that day in a speech to more unifying purpose and in front of a more colorful and younger audience than usual.

And it seems to be working: the black and Hispanic community has never been so numerous, with figures to back it up, to be behind Donald Trump for next November’s election. In 2016, Donald Trump won 8% of the African-American vote; in 2020, 12%; and the latest polls show that we would go straight to 17% in 2024.

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As for the Latin American community, the trend is the same. And for the first time, certain American media, cited by the International mail, even argue that the Hispanic electorate in favor of Trump could exceed that in favor of Biden. Currently, the two candidates would be neck and neck.

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Vote Trump to “shake things up a little”

“We can disagree with certain things, but he is in the Bronx. He is the first candidate to come and speak here since Ronald Reagan”, rejoiced at the microphone of 7:30 p.m. Dwayne Moore, African-American Republican candidate for the State of New York.

All prices are going up right now, especially taxes. I don’t think everything will change under Trump, but let’s hope he can shake things up a bit

A resident of the New York neighborhood of the Bronx

The billionaire’s numerous legal setbacks therefore seem far from the concerns of the spectators present that day. Some of them are also preparing to vote Republican for the first time. “All prices are going up at the moment, especially taxes. I don’t think everything will change under Trump, but let’s hope he can shake things up a little,” testified a young man in the middle of the crowd who came to cheer the ex-president candidate.

Faced with voters who turned their backs, many loyal Democrats tried to draw their attention to the manipulation to which they were subject. “I’m here to remind everyone of Trump’s CV. He’s racist, he doesn’t care about African-Americans. He’s here in the Bronx to pull a political stunt, to try to seduce certain people. ‘between us’, lamented on the sidelines of the meeting an activist interviewed in the French program Daily.

Note that the New York police had to intervene on several occasions to put an end to scuffles between pro and anti Trump.

The New York police had to intervene on several occasions to put an end to scuffles between pro and anti Trump. [Anadolu via AFP - SELCUK ACAR]
The New York police had to intervene on several occasions to put an end to scuffles between pro and anti Trump. [Anadolu via AFP – SELCUK ACAR]

African-American entourage

And Donald Trump’s strategy does not stop at holding meetings in Democratic strongholds. In his campaign, the ex-president also surrounds himself with personalities of color, including Byron Donalds, member of the Black Conservative Federation (BCF).

Present last February at the BCF honorary gala – which brought together around 500 conservative legislators, activists, experts and donors, mostly black – Donald Trump was full of praise, in his speech, for this elected official. in the United States House of Representatives that some already see as vice president in the event of a Republican victory. It must be said that, pro-Trump par excellence, Byron Donalds defends him on all TV sets, accompanies him on the move and regularly speaks at his campaign meetings.

In his campaign, Donald Trump surrounds himself with African-Americans, including Byron Donalds, member of the Black Conservative Federation (BCF), here in the Bronx. [The Yomiuri Shimbun via AFP - HIROSHI TAJIMA]
In his campaign, Donald Trump surrounds himself with African-Americans, including Byron Donalds, member of the Black Conservative Federation (BCF), here in the Bronx. [The Yomiuri Shimbun via AFP – HIROSHI TAJIMA]

“I want to thank Representative Donalds, he has a wonderful future ahead of him,” insisted Donald Trump, whose presence as guest of honor once again aimed to demonstrate his affinity with African-American voters (read box ). Byron Donalds was by his side in the Bronx on May 23.

>> Read also: Conspiracy, electoral interference, porn actress or confidential documents: how Donald Trump is playing for time to postpone his trials

Fabien Grenon



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