For 617 schoolchildren, a themed day on the Olympics

For 617 schoolchildren, a themed day on the Olympics
For 617 schoolchildren, a themed day on the Olympics

Mèze is at the heart of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and offers several forms of this major event which arrives in the heart of summer. On May 28, 617 students from Mèze elementary schools gathered at the Sesquiers stadium to participate in the Olympiad Day.

A unique sporting event for which the municipal sports and education-youth services were mobilized. The day began with a beautiful tribute to the Olympic Games with the giant Olympic rings formed on the stadium lawn by the children. Each school wore a different colored jersey and gathered on the rings drawn on the stadium, waiting and greeting the arrival of the flame. In his short speech, Thierry Baëza invited young people to respect the Olympic motto “Faster, higher, stronger – together” attributed to Pierre de Coubertin before recalling another of his quotes “the most important thing is to participate”. It was then time for sporting events, handball, volleyball, football, athletics, judo, tambourine.

At the end of this particularly intense day for all these young Mézois, the awards ceremony took place. Nicolas Archimbeau, sports assistant, declared: “This school event of an unprecedented scale in Mèze made it possible to raise awareness among students of the values ​​of Olympicism, to strengthen citizenship and to promote the practice of sport, a Source of well-being and health.”

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 21 90 71 21



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