The Saran Septors lose everything on the last day and are relegated to Proleague

The Saran Septors lose everything on the last day and are relegated to Proleague
The Saran Septors lose everything on the last day and are relegated to Proleague

Saran, who had his destiny in his hands, did not fulfill his part of the contract by losing at home to Ivry this Friday, May 31, 2024 (27-29). Créteil’s draw at Cesson-Rennes sends the Loirétains to the second division.

The Septors of Saran, pushed back eight lengths behind Ivry after a catastrophic start this Friday, May 31, 2024 at the Palais des Sports in Orléans, were very close to regaining control of their destiny in the second half. But they were unable to overthrow their opponent. The draw snatched by Créteil at Cesson-Rennes therefore condemns Saran, which falls to 15th place, to relegation to Proligue.

The Ile-de-France residents had capitalized from the start on the crazy success of their goalkeeper Mate Sunjic who had disgusted Luka Radovic and his partners for ten minutes (5 saves out of 7 attempts, 2-5, 10th). Entangled in the defensive aggressiveness of Ivry, the Loirétains then collapsed against Didier Dinart’s men (4-10, 17th; 6-14, 21st). Not good for much, the Septors returned to the locker room with their heads down (10-17, 30th).

The Mamdouh post that changes everything…

Transfigured after the break, the Septors began a dazzling comeback, thanks in particular to William Accambray, the arm of the Loiret revolt (14-17, 36th; 18-19, 44th). But when it was time to make the switch, Mohamed Mamdouh found the goalkeeper then the post, one more in this evening… Ivry found his breath and regained a little margin (19-21, 49th). The Loirétains finally paid for their excess of energy in trying to come back and lost ground (22-25, 55th). They ultimately lost 27-29.

Eyes glued to the phones, while the Ivry players celebrated the maintenance, the Saranais understood that the draw from Créteil to Cesson-Rennes condemned them to the descent. Cruel.

Jérôme Couton-Coudray



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