What is “Ten Ten”, the walkie-talkie app that’s a hit… and can interrupt you at any time?

What is “Ten Ten”, the walkie-talkie app that’s a hit… and can interrupt you at any time?
What is “Ten Ten”, the walkie-talkie app that’s a hit… and can interrupt you at any time?

If you have never heard of the Ten Ten application, there is a chance that your children or your little nephew or niece heard about it in high school… because this app has been ranked at the top of the list for a few days. downloads from both the iPhone and Android app stores. Ten Ten is a new application for communicating with close friends. It uses the concept of the walkie-talkie: once a friend has been added to your contacts, they can speak to you at any time through the speaker of your phone – there is no longer any need to pick up the phone to hear the person they are calling.

The designers of this application, who are French, position themselves in a niche which is between the voice messages that can be sent today on WhatsApp or Instagram on one side, and the classic telephone on the other, by maintaining a form of immediacy of the call and removing the need to pick up the handset to answer. Which in a sense makes sense, when we know that according to a 2021 survey, 76% of millennials, those who grew up at the end of the last century, fear phone calls… compared to 40% of the previous generation .

The problem is that without a ringtone, requests can arrive at any time, and particularly in class among middle and high school students who use the application, and many of whom in recent days have recounted their misadventures with the application. “Never go to class with your phone when the app is installed“, says TikToker Wissam, for example.

Designers are working on its improvements

However, it is still possible to silence it… but you have to think about it: Ten Ten is designed not to activate when you are in do not disturb mode or in airplane mode, and the designers say they are working on better clarification of its silent functions.

They are also working on better security: today among the criticisms made by some users of Ten Ten, there is also the ease with which we can add contacts. Many people share their username on TikTok and therefore can be added by any other user; there is also a question of pedagogy, in the same way that we would not share our phone number with everyone… it’s a bit the same for this app.

Basically, it’s a very divisive proposition… not everyone will accept it but it could be a hit with some, because it’s an app that deeply questions the relationship that each of us has with our phone.



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