Come to the Vocations Festival for a job day and discover your future profession

Come to the Vocations Festival for a job day and discover your future profession
Come to the Vocations Festival for a job day and discover your future profession

“Discovering your professional vocation” is the theme of the employment day this Friday in Marseille on the occasion of the Vocations Festival at the Mucem. Welding, stone cutting, carpentry, ship repair, sewing, discover Fabrice Marion’s witnesses.

The Vocations Festival, which runs until Saturday June 1 at the Mucem in Marseille, is a unique opportunity to meet professionals from various sectors and in high recruitment demand.

Don’t miss the area dedicated to naval professions with Afpa, in the Cour de la Commande at the foot of the Tour du Roy René in Fort Saint-Jean. There you will be able to discover and practice welding and recreational marine repair demonstrations. You will even have the opportunity to test the shipyard in virtual reality!

The festival also highlights careers in tension in engineering and industry. Meet professionals from these sectors and let yourself be guided by the “Future of industry and work” association and the Academy of Technologies.

Whether you are looking for professional guidance or a job in these promising fields, the Vocations Festival is the event not to be missed to discover new avenues and discuss directly with the key players in these sectors.

Visit France Bleu Provence for a job day held from the Mucem forum in Marseille.



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