Fundamental ! Gold versus bonds. Gold over 50 years outperforms bonds!

It’s a graph from Bloomberg that you should print and put on your desk, share with your friends (the real ones, the fake ones can continue to take funds in euros from government life insurance).

What should we see there?

That over 50 years, the periods where the performances of gold are superior to those of bonds are rare but that after 50 years the yellow metal has the luxury of doing a little better than the American government bonds considered as the best asset of the last half century.

Well no !

Gold is ahead.

But that’s not all.

This chart shows you that gold has experienced 3 bouts of fever.

The first in the 70s/80s inflation recession and oil shocks.

The second in 2008/2009 following the subprime crisis. The fear was not that of inflation but of the explosion of the financial, banking and ultimately monetary system.

The third ? We are at the beginning. It will be the fear of the return of inflation and the general insolvency of States.

This will undoubtedly be the final surge in gold and the end of government bonds… over-indebted states.

I hope you understand what you need to do.

For those who do not know how to do it, you have my file which is online entitled “it is gold” and which will give you in 30 pages the analyzes and advice necessary to buy gold and integrate protection but also the performance of the yellow metal in your heritage. (All the information here or by clicking on the image of the cover of the file below).

Gold today performs better than bonds. It’s quite a reversal.

It’s already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourselves !

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
To write to me [email protected]
To write to my wife [email protected]

You can also subscribe to my monthly letter “STRATEGIES” which will allow you to go further and in which I share with you the concrete solutions to implement to prepare you for the world after. These solutions are structured around the PEL approach – heritage, employment, location. The idea is to share with you the means and methods to build your personal and family resilience.

“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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