Disappearance of Lina: the sudden disappearance of an employee at the same time as the teenager, this new lead which relaunches the investigation

Disappearance of Lina: the sudden disappearance of an employee at the same time as the teenager, this new lead which relaunches the investigation
Disappearance of Lina: the sudden disappearance of an employee at the same time as the teenager, this new lead which relaunches the investigation

Since Tuesday May 28, 2024, investigators who have been working hard for eight months on the disappearance of Lina in Bas-Rhin, a 15-year-old teenager, while she was walking to catch her train, have in their hands new information, the testimony of an entrepreneur from the Grand-Est region who reported the disappearance of one of his employees the same month as the young girl during the program “Call for witnesses” broadcast on M6.

In cases of disappearance, particularly those which take place over a long period of time, the slightest clue or testimony can at any time tip over the investigation or advance the investigations.

The last trace of Lina alive dates back to September 23, 2023 at 11:20 a.m.

As part of the Lina affair, this teenager aged 15 at the time of her disappearance in Bas-Rhin, on September 23, 2023, the disturbing testimony given during the broadcast of Julien Courbet’s show on M6, ” Call for witnesses”, by a business manager from the region where the young girl comes from, is in any case taken very seriously by the investigators.

Indeed, Tuesday May 28, 2024, part of the program was devoted to the disappearance of Lina around her mother, Fanny Groll, who came to testify live. The mother who remains convinced her daughter is alive and was the victim of a kidnapping has pleaded with anyone who may have information to come forward.

“In my gut, my heart, I know she’s alive.” And to continue: “I am calling on anyone who has information, who has seen something, who has a doubt about something (…). I beg you, call, do not hesitate, dare, these are anonymous calls you risk nothing, we need to know, we need Lina, we want to understand,” begged the teenager’s mother.

An employee missing since September 2023

During the evening, this was the case of a man, who by telephone, contacted the Call for Witnesses teams, making a link between the disappearance of the teenager eight months ago now and that of one of her employees, who in the same month no longer returned to work.

On the phone, this business manager explained that his employee had worked in his establishment for twelve years and was on a permanent contract. On the set of the show, the journalist who reported the comments made during this interview also indicated that this employee would live ten kilometers from Lina’s home.

Information immediately provided to the investigators who are dedicated to the Lina affair so that all checks can be carried out.

The lead interests investigators, who are currently checking it. He lived in a village 10 km from Plaine. The disappearance of this man had been reported in October, but his connection with the Lina case had apparently not been madehttps://t.co/gXRh7KfEYM

— RoronoaZoro (@RoronoaGasp) https://twitter.com/RoronoaGasp/status/1796236313131143669?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

More than 400 calls and 200 emails during “Call for witnesses”

As reported by La Voix du Nord quoting Le Parisien, “Call for witnesses” was watched by 1.6 million viewers. More than 400 calls and 200 emails were received on Tuesday, May 28 in the evening.

The disappearance of this employee was reported in October but no connection was made with the disappearance of the teenager, indicates Le Parisien.

An investigation for “kidnapping” and “sequestration” underway

An investigation for “kidnapping” and “sequestration” is still open. Several people were interviewed by the gendarmes in connection with this. On the day of her disappearance, September 23, 2023, the 15-year-old teenager was going on foot to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, where she was to take the train to join her boyfriend in Strasbourg. The latter, invited to come and testify during Julien Courbet’s show, did not wish to expose himself publicly but sent an email which the presenter read.

Lina disappeared between La Plaine and Saint-Blaise: a 2.9 km route at the heart of the investigations

It was on September 23, 2023 that the young girl disappeared while she was leaving to take a train at the station towards Strasbourg to join Tao, her boyfriend. A train scheduled for 12:03 p.m. on which she never boarded, as video surveillance images were able to quickly confirm from the start of the investigation.

Lina disappeared while walking between her home and the station. A 2.9 km journey between The plain And Saint-Blaise-la-Roche. A journey where it seems everything was decided and on which investigators have been focusing for eight months.



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