A zouk day at the stadium

A zouk day at the stadium
A zouk day at the stadium

Saturday May 25, for one day, the town of Triguères was transformed into the capital of zouk, headlined by the Les Poetic Lovers festival.

It was quite an adventure that the village of Triguères experienced on Saturday: the stadium was transformed into a festival venue, for a big day dedicated to zouk, headlined by Les Poetic Lovers.

Everything was decided in two months! Bruno Henri, who has lived in Triguères for several years with his wife Nadia, has been a producer of zouk artists and organizer of concerts and festivals for twenty years, previously in Guyana and now in Paris. “One day, Bruno suggested to Patrick Moreau, the mayor of Triguères, to organize an event. Patrick tells him “In two months”, but he didn’t expect an event of this magnitude! », Confided Josiane Rose, the deputy mayor, delighted to find herself at the heart of an adventure of such magnitude.

On the big day, around twenty stands flanked the large central stage, most of which offered Creole, Martinican, Guadeloupean, but also Guyanese and Haitian food. Patrick Moreau, after having been a very active volunteer at FestiVox the previous weekend, ran everywhere to ensure the electrical installations for everyone, the barnums…

Bruno Henri also, telephone screwed to his ear, was everywhere, to welcome and keep the dozen artists scheduled to wait.

The fact is that the public only really came around 5 p.m. for a giant zouk class, which will remain memorable. The party was then launched and did not stop until nightfall. Spectators discovered young solo artists singing swaying ballads. In front of a packed audience of fans nostalgic for their youth, The Poetic Lovers finally appeared. Zouk music definitely has something magical and we must hope that Triguères will be seduced next year by this beautiful, original celebration.



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