Emeline’s descent into hell under the domination of a “predator” to the point of committing suicide

Emeline’s descent into hell under the domination of a “predator” to the point of committing suicide
Emeline’s descent into hell under the domination of a “predator” to the point of committing suicide
Published on 05/31/2024 at 06:00 a.m.Updated 05/31/2024 at 06:38 a.m.

Written by Cécile Frechinos

Since the suicide of her daughter, Emeline, in January 2024, Marie François has been fighting for her to be recognized as a victim of moral harassment leading to death. The mother from Tarbes hopes to see her daughter’s former companion appear before an Assisi court. In the meantime, she also wishes to warn of the insidious mechanisms of control. A white march will take place on Saturday June 1 in Tarbes in memory of Emeline.

She no longer came to see us. She didn’t call me anymore. And yet we were so close before“: These are the words of a mother who would have liked to understand sooner. Understand to avoid the worst. In January 2024, Emeline Françoise, her youngest daughter, killed herself after two years of relationships punctuated by physical and psychological violence. ” It is only now by unraveling the thread of our history that everything becomes clear”laments the mother of the Hautes-Pyrénées.

The isolation, the lies, the money problems. From the beginning of the relationship between Emeline and her new companion, the young woman’s behavior is unusual: “ At first it is impossible to understand what is going on. Only those who have closely approached these control mechanisms can understand“, explains Marie François. Today the mother wants to alert public opinion to avoid other meteoric descents into hell.

For Emeline François, the beginning of the drama takes place in the fall of 2022. When she meets Pierre*, she quickly moves away from her family, although united and loving. But regularly she calls her mother for help.

She told me he was violent. That he forbade her to go out. That he took away her cell phone. Then she changed her mind and explained to us that it was simple couple arguments.

Marie François, mother of Emeline

Physical and psychological violence to which will be added the consumption of hard drugs: “He got her addicted to crack. It is one of the most addictive drugs there is. My daughter had never touched this type of narcotics before.“, underlines the bereaved mother.

Isolated, abused, drugged. Émeline tries to escape from her ordeal on several occasions. And his parents always respond. But with each attempt “ the predator“as Marie François calls it, catches up with its prey:”He always found a way to reach her, especially on social networks and promised to change” remembers Marie François.

In May 2023 Marie François sent a letter to the public prosecutor of Tarbes: ” I explained to him that my daughter was in mortal danger.“. Despite the complaints filed by his daughter and Pierre’s serious legal past, the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence.

We felt alone in the world, my daughter, my husband and me.

Marie François, mother of Emeline

Evidence is what Marie François has been tirelessly collecting since her daughter’s suicide. A mission that gives him the courage to get up in the morning.


Marie François and her daughter Emeline. Mother and daughter were very close before Emeline’s descent into hell

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I haven’t started the grieving process yet. For the moment I am fighting for my daughter to be recognized as a victim of moral harassment leading to death. I won’t let go“, she says determinedly. Pierre has already been convicted by the courts last March. He received 6 months in prison for domestic violence. A sentence modified thanks to an electronic bracelet.

Domestic violence is one thing. Control and moral harassment are another. firmly emphasizes the mother of the family. And added: “ Today I want to tell victims of control not to be afraid anymore. They are not alone. They must speak and society must help them.”

Rock* : borrowed first name



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