“BANNED” GADGETS on Aliexpress: discover reviews and prices with GeekMap

“BANNED” GADGETS on Aliexpress: discover reviews and prices with GeekMap © Délits d’Opinion

Tech influencers are increasingly turning to innovative gadgets available on platforms like Aliexpress. In a recent YouTube video titled “ I bought ‘BANNED’ GADGETS on Aliexpress“, GeekMap presents several unusual and technological products, arousing the interest of consumers looking for new products. This article explores these products, compares prices and shares customer reviews, all while optimizing for Google Discover France.

“Banned” high-tech products tested by GeekMap

In the video, several fascinating gadgets were highlighted:

1. Camera bulb

L’camera bulb is a discreet gadget that allows you to monitor a room while blending into the decor. Available at €29.99, it offers HD resolution and night vision. Customer reviews praise its image quality and ease of installation, although some mention connectivity concerns.

2. Recording pen

THE recording pen is a handy tool for discreetly recording conversations or meetings. Proposed to €15.99, it is appreciated for its storage capacity and audio clarity. Users point out, however, that battery life could be improved.

3. GPS Tracker

THE GPS tracker is a compact tracking device ideal for tracking objects or vehicles. Sold to €19.99, it stands out for its precision and user-friendly application. Customer reviews highlight its effectiveness, although some report difficulties with battery life.

4. Remote control duplicator

THE remote control duplicator allows you to easily clone signals from existing remote controls. Available at €12.99, it is appreciated for its ease of use and affordable cost. Users note, however, that some specific remote controls may be difficult to duplicate.

5. Police flashing light

THE police flashing light is a fun accessory for gadget fans or for special events. Proposed to €24.99, it offers bright light and realistic effects. Customer reviews are generally positive, with particular mentions for its brightness and durability.

Product comparison

To better understand the differences between these products, here is a comparison table:

Product Price Features Customers’ opinion
Camera bulb €29.99 HD resolution, night vision 4.2/5
Recording pen €15.99 Audio clarity, storage capacity 4.0/5
GPS tracker €19.99 Accuracy, user-friendly application 4.3/5
Remote control duplicator €12.99 Ease of use, affordable cost 3.9/5
Police flashing light €24.99 Bright light, realistic effects 4.4/5


The “banned” high-tech gadgets tested by GeekMap on YouTube demonstrate the growing appeal of innovative and practical products available on Aliexpress. Customer reviews confirm the quality and usefulness of these devices, despite varying prices. Whether for entertainment, safety or practicality, these products meet the needs of modern consumers.

In conclusion, following the recommendations of tech influencers like GeekMap can be a great way to discover quality gadgets. For those looking to stay on the cutting edge of technology, these products are a good investment. Do not hesitate to consult online reviews and compare the available options to make the best choice.

“BANNED” GADGETS on Aliexpress: discover reviews and prices with GeekMap © Délits d’Opinion

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